What do ten years in IT project management/software training, 

Ten years as a community counselor in a top foreign exchange agency,

and intimacy coaching

all have in common?

They all involve teaching, coaching and inviting people to do things differently to get what they want.

I have always taught connection. 

Even my role as middle child was in the bridge maker role!

I believe the missing piece in desire acquisition is not will power, but inner power. 

Intimacy Coaching is self awareness, purging old wounds, and making room for limitless pleasure and connection. To self, and others!

You will also need the language and confidence to communicate in intimate ways.

My personal transformation from busy, numbed out, disconnected, and resentful woman, to vibrant, playful, confident entrepenuer,  happened by connecting to my body.

I learned mindful practices, to awaken my sensual self.  

When you awaken your senses, you wake up to pleasure and life expands beyond your wildest dreams.

I knew that I had to share these tools and practices with everyone!

I studied at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. and became a certified Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach.

I speak and write about our connection to pleasure.

Pleasure is the transformational path to Self Love and even world peace!

My coaching practice is transformational.


Book a Call. Let's Talk About What YOU Want



I get asked this frequently. The answer is no, and the answer is also yes. 

I spent years in victim mentality, feeling powerless and people-pleasing. This is not who I am at my core, but it was pure conditioning. 

It takes time to heal from our wounds and feel just right in our bodies. 

We have so many shields and weapons to protect us. The problem is that these protections stop us from fully living.

We need to lose those blocks that disconnect us from our true selves.

When you do, your power is restored. Your sense of play and purpose is restored.

You turn-on for life and love is restored.

I wish this for you!


Book a free call to Discover More!


"Until we make the unconscious, conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate."


"Until we make the unconscious, conscious, it will rule our lives, and we will call it fate."
